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Monday, 24 December 2007

Well, I haven't done anything with the car since the last post. I've been too busy with other things :-).

At the moment I've been trying to find a fan belt that fits the alternator but can't get the correct length. I've been trying to fit a roller to take up the slack but with it being so cold in the garage I haven't had a real go at it.

Next step for me now is finding some decent wheels and tyres in the sales and getting some seats. That should get me pretty close to finished and give me the umph I need to get it to the SVA test.

I'm also trying to decide about arch mounted indicators as I really don't fancy drilling holes in the nose cone! Strange but true....

I haven't abandoned it yet, its just I'm thinking about the 32 year trials bike thats in bits on the garage floor and the scooter as afore mentioned! One big push should see me close, I really do want it on the road for the summer.

As its christmas eve, I'd just like to wish everyone a happy xmas and a prosperous new year.

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