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Thursday, 12 April 2007

12th April.

Picked my tunnel cover up this morning and had a poke around the cars. Anyway lots of action at MNR this morning with Marc off to see about getting married so i was inspired, that, with marriage in mind he still had time to give me advise and solutions to some of my problems.
It seems I have a fairly unique build with the zetec and drum brakes so its time to get the thinking cap on and spend some time and cash getting my install to be well engineered to my own liking.
No progress this week due to being miles away on work commitments but I will be ordering oil remote filter stuff and getting stuck in trying to get the engine to run.
Just one small problem.. I've fitted the transmission dry, ie no fluids in the engine, box or diff and I cant get at the gearbox plug because of the bulkhead. Its over to Locostbuilders to see if I can fill it through the gearstick hole!

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