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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Friday 18th I had all my forms ready to post but finishing early I decided to call in the DVLA office and hand them in. what a result, the girls at Stockton DVLA have been nothing but helpful and within 20 minutes of presenting the forms I was walking out with reg and tax in hand. It was probably made a bit simpler because I already had a reg on retention so that was signed as a cherished number with the car registered on an 08 number.

First blast out was Sunday as it rained all day Saturday and I met up with some other guys and had a run round the moors over Ripon. Superb day out, even a bit of rain didn't dampen the enjoyment of open top motoring again.

My immediate thoughts are an engine swap but not the turbo engine. That is a long term winter project. I'm thinking of a much newer 2L Zetec E for a few extra horsepower and its an in out swap. Shouldn't take more than a day to swap just need to find one cheap!

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